December 7, 2013

Up and Away

So since I decided not to spend my young life right away in a building called university I went on some trips. Here´s the first part of my "outdoor experience" in ... SWITZERLAND !!! :D
To everybody who feel´s that he/she needs some time on his own - go to the mountains . It´s a great feeling not to meet people or at least only a few (especially rarely if you wander in a month like october ). Even after "only" 4 days in the mountains I was shocked to come back into "the civilized" world.

ATTENTION ! I introduce to you some wise words that came into my mind "up there" :
As for an alpinist it is to crest a mountain and see the breathtaking picture from above so it is for an actor to get applause from a grateful audience.
Priceless !

Big thanks to Mark who guided me through fog and rain and a big thank also to the people who took us by car or even hosted us/me spontaneously :)

There are absolutely many f***** great people out there !

Next post is coming soon ;)
Miaow !

P.s.: By clicking on the photos they become bigger ;)


  1. Ja, da oben ist die Welt realer als irgendwo in unserer niedrigen Zivilisation. Wirklich schöne Bilder, die mich wieder in die Berge "ver"führen.

  2. Dort oben ist man viel mehr damit beschäftigt tief in sich zu gehen und über alles mögliche nachzudenken. Außerdem kämpft man manchmal auch einfach nur um´s pure überleben oder mit seiner menschlichen kraft den berg zu erklimmen ! :))
